The Surprising Secret to Creating a Earn Money By Online Blogging

You may be wondering why I'm writing about blogging on my website. Well, I've been using this method for years now and have made a lot of money from it.

How to start blogging


Blogging is a process of managing different blogs, from your ideas, stories, and thoughts to the publishing process. The blogging includes the activities need to run a blog like writing a blog, promoting it, and creating back links strategies.

What Is a Blog or Blog post?

First of all you have to know that blog or blog post are synonyms. A blog is simply a conversion of your thoughts, ideas, information, and stories into meaningful and attractive words. A blog can be about any topic. You share your ideas with other people by blogging. It is an online website run by individuals or groups of people that update content(blog) regularly about a topic.

What Is a Blog Used For?

A blog is used for different purposes but the main goal of writing any blog is to educate people online, to help a business to promote their products, for brand awareness, to promote a program, to deliver your thoughts, and knowledge to others, and many more.

Why Do You Need Your Own Blog?

Everyone has their own opinion or answer to this question. I will say that I need my own blog to share my ideas and thoughts, and stories with people. Besides this blogging is a great way to explore yourself. You can express yourself through blogging. Businesses peoples can also educate and can give awareness about their company or brand to their audience.

Now everyone can start a blog. There is no need to know to code even to update a blog. Different blogging software like WordPress, Blogger, and Zyro to take start their blogging career. You can create a blog within a few minutes without worrying about any technical complexities.

“To become a successful blogger you need to know the purpose for writing and managing your blogs.”

What Do You Need to Start a Blog?

Now that we covered the basic concept of blogging – from here we will discuss what elements are required for creating your first blog. Six elements you need to keep ready before your first blog.

  • Domain name:
It is the Url or your blog’s address such as Mostly the domain name represents your business name or your topic of discussion.

  • Web hosting service

After the domain name second thing, you have to host to store your all blog files including images and make them available for internet users. WordPress is the greatest solution for a personal or lifestyle blogs while Cloud web is used for large-traffic blogs.

  • Blogging Platforms

A content management system (CMS) like WordPress or a website builder like Zyro can be used to set up your blog. While website builders' customers enjoy their quick setup and user-friendly interface,users who make WordPress websites typically seek complete control and significant customization.

  • Content writing skills

Writing a blog is not like you are writing an essay or book. First, you must have to develop your content writing and SEO skills.

  • Theme or template

The web design for your blog was already created. The majority of CMS platforms and website builders offer free templates, but you can either develop your blog theme or buy one from a third-party marketplace like ThemeForest.

  • Blogging tools

There are several tools available to help you manage and write better blog content. Use Yoast SEO to make the content search engine-friendly and Trello to construct an editorial calendar as examples.

 Lastly important factor to start a blog is confidence. Many peoples who start blogging think they are not experts in this field and this thinking holds them back from sharing their content. To overcome this take start by sharing your experiences or stories.

How to start blogging?

  • Select a blogging platform. Utilize a platform that provides editable template options.
  • Choose on a hosting system. Think about a platform with reliable bandwidth, uptime, and customer service.
  • Choose a suitable niche. Have a certain audience in mind when you narrow down your theme.
  • Choose a blog name and domain. Pick a name that is descriptive and grabs readers' attention.
  • Establish and create your blog. Include visuals and sound effects that correspond to your theme.
  • List potential blog topics. Before selecting a few topics, jot down all of your ideas.
  • Create your first blog entry. Use a compelling headline to capture readers' attention, and use headers to make the material skimmable.
  • Editorial calendar creation. Make a calendar to hold yourself accountable and assist you in publishing consistently.
  • Promote your blog .

Thank you for reading this article. I hope this article will helps you to start your blogging career.. If you have any questions or any doubts about blogging or want more knowledge before starting your blogging career, tell me in the comment section I will guide you.

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